Apple Store Connect
In this configuration you can add multiple Apple Store Connect accounts and use it later when adding new IOS app into PMP.
1. Create an App Store Connect API key
Step 1: On App Store Connect, create a new App Store Connect API key under Users and Access → Keys → App Store Connect API:
Step 2: Create new Key with access level at least as App Manager
Step 3: Download the generated key. You will receive a .p8 key file. Also take note of the Issuer ID (shown above the "Active" table)
2. Generating an In-App Purchase Key
In-app purchase keys are generated in the “Users and Access” section of App Store Connect. You can use the same in-app purchase key for all of your offers.
Step 1: Select Generate In-App Purchase Key, or – if you've generated an In-App Purchase Key in the past – click on the "+" symbol behind the Active header. You'll be prompted to enter a name for the key.
Step 2: Once your key is generated, it will appear in Active Keys and you get one shot to download it. Select Download API Key and store the file in a safe place, you'll need to upload this to PMP in the next step
3. Upload Credentials into PMP
Step 1: In Studio Configruation Tab, select Enable / Manage App Store card
Step 2: Click Create new App Store Configuration
Step 3: Input Store name of the account
Step 4: Provide following information that you created in step 1 and 2:
Issuer ID
App Store Connect API key
In-App Purchase Key (optional, if you want to use Amanotes’s Revenue Cat)