S3 & CloudFront Integration

S3 & CloudFront practically occurs at the Product level. One Product can only integrate with one S3 Bucket and one CloudFront that linked with the corresponding S3 Bucket.

Manage Firebase Integration in your Product:

There are functions of integration available within PMP:

Manage AWS - S3 in PMP

When creating a new product in PMP, the system prompts you to either configure your existing AWS - S3 or use the default bucket of PMP. If you do not configure your existing bucket when creating the product, you can still configure it later by requesting support in the Slack channel #pmp-support.

If using the default bucket of PMP, you need to create the CloudFront for it also, after creating product successfully.

*Notes: Only Product Owner or Studio Admin & Manager can perform this action

AWS - S3 validation rule in PMP

Some case about generating CloudFront link with file have special character