Pangle Integration 

Pangle Integration practically occurs at the App level. After your products are created and linked with app information, you'll also need to set up a 1-to-1 integration of the apps as well to integrate with Pangle.

There are functions of integration available within PMP:

Workflow to integrate with Pangle

2. Navigate to the Integration info tab in the Product detail page 

3. Click on the Pangle card (find in Ad Network Integration group)

4. Confirm to connect your product with Pangle

5. Click again on the Pangle card to access channel integration management page

Please note that the connection at the app level is required to truly integrate the app with Pangle. Connecting the product at the previous step only is not sufficient

6. Toggle the connection switch to integrate the corresponding app with Pangle

7. Finally, the app is integrated with Pangle. Users can view App information of the Ad network displayed in the following fields

Workflow to cancel integration 

Navigate to the Integration info tab in the Product detail page 

There are 2 ways to cancel integration:

Note: The cancel feature is just for marking in PMP which will not delete app information in that Ad network

Cancel all app integration in product

Cancel specific app integration in product