Firebase Console
In this configuration you can add multiple Firebase accounts and use it later when adding new app into PMP.
1. Grant PMP’s service account access Google Cloud Console (GCP)
Step 1: Open Google Cloud Console IAM
Step 2: Select your Organization as your email organization domain
Step 3: Grant access to the PMP’s services account "". Under "Assign roles", you need to grant certain permissions for PMP to properly work with following roles:
Firebase Admin
Firebase Service Management Service Agent
Project Creator
2. Find your Organization ID and Folder ID
Organization ID is the ID where you add PMP’s service account in step 1.
Folder ID is where you want PMP to create new project into, if you don’t provide this information, PMP will create new project into you organization id
How to find?
Step 1: Open Google Cloud Console Resource Manager
Step 2: Find the corresponding Orgranization ID and Folder ID where you grant access to PMP’s service account or and desire PMP create new project into.
3. Create Firebase Configuration in PMP
Step 1: In Studio Configruation Tab, select Enable / Manage Firebase card to create a new Firebase Configuration
Step 2: Input your organization name in Organization Name field
Step 3: Provide the Orgranization ID where you added PMP’s services account in step 1.
Step 4 (optional): Provide Folder ID if you want to sepcify an folder that you want PMP to create new project into.